Giving Back to Our Community
Giving Back to Our Community
We will honor our very own Rep Keith Kidwell along with our Law Enforcement.
A fun-filled evening with lots of laughs, great music, lots of giveaways, food truck, desserts!

BBQ Chicken Plates $10 -- reserve your plate(s) by October 17 please -- call 252.414.1420
We will show Keith how much Beaufort County appreciates him with a donation to his campaign.
Several volunteers from Barton College along with several other young adults will be sharing their talents with the Republican Party.
All candidates will be welcomed to greet our crowd.
Please make plans to be with us on this special evening!
October 24, 2020 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Loretta Adkins, Chair, Women for Trump, Beaufort County
· 252.414.1420